The greatest component of almost any business is its workforce. You want to hire the finest of the best since the work of your subordinates directly affects profit. But will they go to you? Our advice for hiring new employees below will help you in it.
Table of Contents
Make a correct vacancy
A vacancy helps a person to find out whether they suit your company and the company to them. Follow the next tips to make it attractive.
- Understand who you are looking for;
Make a list of the necessary qualities of an employee, including Hard skills and Soft skills.
- Specify the salary;
Put yourself in the shoes of a specialist: would you waste time if you don’t even know what you can count on?
- Describe a position\vacancy correctly;
The more clearly you describe what is required of a person, the greater the likelihood of a response from the right specialist. Therefore, write in the requirements for the candidate those skills that are needed to solve daily problems.
- Write about the company’s advantages over competitors;
Put yourself in the place of a candidate and answer the question: “Why, of all vacancies, should I respond to this?”. Show how you are different. This will increase the likelihood that the person will go to you.
Treat candidates as customers
It is essential to understand that the requests of a professional go far beyond the limits of money. We offer to look at the situation from the point of view of recruiting: most likely, you need workers more than they need you. Qualified and experienced employees receive lots of invitations for interviews. They can afford to choose the best place for employment, and do it.
Therefore, if you want to hire an excellent specialist, you need to “sell” your company to them. The easiest way to do this is to imagine that a candidate is your client. By the way, if you need to rent a car for your business trip to Alberta, use Enterprise Edmonton services. Why exactly Enterprise? Customer-oriented approach, a wide selection of automobiles, and reasonable pricing. Follow the same rules when working with buyers or customers:
- Make an effort to come across well.
Be pleasant and professional at the same time. When interviewing, greet a candidate with a smile and offer a cup of coffee.
- Treat the time of a candidate respectfully.
If a person contacted you via messenger, you read it and wrote back the following day, the sought-after specialist is unlikely to come to you. They know the value of their time, so you should know it too. Show your interest and openness.
- Stay in touch.
Be prepared to answer their questions. Provide every piece of the necessary information about the business to a candidate. The easier to contact you, the more attractive the organization looks.
Apply the recruitment funnel
Using recruitment funnels will guarantee that your business only hires the most qualified people. To ensure you select the most qualified applicants, the process starts with a clear understanding of the type or level of position you’re looking for. From there, It limits the pool of prospective workers by going through a series of steps.
We offer you a basic scheme of the recruitment funnel, which consists of:
- Selection by CVs;
Comparing the indicated qualities of a person to the required.
- Test task;
Checking 1-2 key skills involved in the work task.
- Interview;
Clarification of Hard Skills and checking Soft Skills.
- Probation period;
Test-drive in the company.
Of course, you could reconsider the points at your own discretion. Remember about cheap car rentals for any occasion? Just a click away from you.
Attend profile events
When searching for high-level workers, personal contacts and acquaintances are crucial. Make people speak highly of your business and recommend it by active participation in the life of professional society. Need cars for rent? Consider using Enterprise with its huge variety of car types.
A professional who is eager to change work is rarely in search for longer than one month: they usually already have an idea of where to go. So, they should know about your organization, and, best of all, first-hand. Thus, let your workers take part in conferences and exhibitions, and the reputation will pay for itself.